How do you assess your soil?
Please share your experiences in this short questionnaire!
Biogreenhouse training school
Vegetable diseases diagnostic tools and control methods under greenhouse organic farming
Future sustainability of organic and low-input milk production
Challenges and solutions
Successful introduction of new varieties to market
Strategies for market acceptance of new resistant cultivars
Mixed grazing best for upland biodiversity
10-year study identifies best upland grazing method for biodiversity
EC looking for organic farmers and organic farm advisors
Call for farmers and farm advisors to set future priorities for organic production
UK organic market shows improved growth
The Soil Association’s Organic Market Report 2015
European organic market continued to grow in 2013
European organic market grew by 6% in 2013
Using biomass from landscape elements for woodfuel
Outputs from the TWECOM project
Coordinating organic plant breeding activities for diversity
5th newsletter online
Hedgerow harvesting machinery trials at Wakelyns
Photos and videos from TWECOM trials at Wakelyns
100% organic feed for pigs and poultry – is it possible?
Report and technical guides on feeding pigs and poultry
Reducing GHG emissions from livestock
Global best practice guidelines recently released
Hedgerow harvesting machinery trials
Different techniques for harvesting hedgerows compared at Elm Farm
Coordinating organic plant breeding activities for diversity
2nd COBRA newsletter published
Soil nitrogen increased through greater plant biodiversity
Increased plant biodiversity improves grassland soil quality by boosting its nitrogen levels, even in the absence of nitrogen-fixing plants
Name our wheat population!
YOUR chance to name the first marketable wheat population in Europe!
Farm Crap app wins Innovation Award
Mobile manure app scoops prize at Soil Association Conference
Organic crop yields can be closer to conventional than thought
New study found multi-cropping and crop rotation can substantially reduce yield gap