Intercropping opportunities
Farmers invited to take part in diverse cropping project to increase yields
'Plant teams' may help feed a rising population, researchers say
New project to devise novel cropping systems using ‘plant teams’
Iodine levels in organic milk showing upward trend
OMSCo study results published
TP Organics: 2017 Call for Organic Innovations
Check out this year’s themes & apply!
Innovative Farmers now free to join
Easier access to innovation as membership fees scrapped
Sustainability of permaculture, organic and conventional farms
Seeking farms for sustainability assessments
Multi-agency GM potato objection
ORC joins with others to express concerns over GM potato trial
Agroforestry Innovations: What do you know?
What would you like to know? Please fill in our short survey
UK organic market tops £2 billion
Soil Association’s 2017 Organic Market Report is out
Tree fodder: food for thought?
Does tree fodder have a role to play in today’s livestock farming in the UK?
Farmer bursary for European Agroforestry Conference
Grant for 2 farmers to attend Montpellier conference
Call for sheep and goat farmers
Sustainability assessments, case studies and to test innovative farm practices
Final report from OSCAR project published
Optimising Subsidiary Crop Applications in Rotations
Cover crop mixtures increase agroecosystem services
Benefits of cover crop mixtures measures by US researchers
Insights into the needs of sheep and goat farmers in the UK
“We rely on researchers and innovators” say sheep and goat farmers
Antibiotic-resistant E. coli on supermarket meat
Shocking levels of antibiotic-resistant E.coli bacteria found in UK supermarket meat
Call for Organic Innovations is now open!
Farmers, researchers and companies invited to propose innovative solutions to needs of organic sector
OK-Net Arable: exchanging knowledge, enhancing farming
Update of project progress so far
Which tests to use to assess the health of your soil?
An informative overview of the various tools and methods currently available.
Soil Farmer of the Year competition launched for the second year
Sharing best practice and innovation through championing farmers who are improving their soils