Category: Research

Beware biofuel enthusiasm

Beware biofuel enthusiasm

Posted in News and events, Research
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Antibiotics lurking in veg says US study

Antibiotics lurking in veg says US study

Posted in News and events, Research
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Cereal varieties for organic production

Developing a participatory approach to seed production and varietal selection

Posted in News and events, Research
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FQ Conference Proceedings

Proceedings from EFRC’s Food Quality Conference

Posted in News and events, Research
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Introduction from FQ Conference proceedings

Foreward, Abstracts and Speaker biographies from the FQ conference proceedings

Posted in News and events, Research
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Responses to papers, FQ conference

Responses to papers delivered at the FQ conference

Posted in News and events, Research
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Appendices from FQ Conference proceedings

Appendices from FQ conference

Posted in News and events, Research
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Towards Whole Food Quality - Lawrence Woodward

Towards Whole Food Quality – Lawrence Woodward

Posted in News and events, Research
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Understanding the relationship between production methods and fo

Understanding the relationship between production methods and food quality using mainstream scientific concepts – Kirsten Brandt

Posted in News and events, Research
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Complementary methods of food quality determination - Prof Angel

Complementary methods of food quality determination – Prof Angelika Meier-Ploeger

Posted in News and events, Research
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