Category: Research

Avian flu briefing Nov 05

A sense of proportion in a world gone Avian ‘Flu mad.

Posted in News and events, Research
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EFRC and school meal legislation

EFRC urges joined up nutrition thinking in school meals legislation

Posted in News and events, Research
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Avian 'flu - the issues

Avian ‘flu – the issues

Posted in News and events, Research
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What is CAP reform?

What is CAP reform?

Posted in News and events, Research
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Meacher's GE albatross

Meacher’s GE albatross – Lawrence Woodward

Posted in News and events, Research
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The Impact of Organic Farming on the Rural Economy in England

The Impact of Organic Farming on the Rural Economy in Engl

Posted in News and events, Research
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Out of touch, out of time - slides

Slides to accompany ‘Out of Touch, Out of Time?’

Posted in News and events, Research
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Elm Farm Research Centre response to DEFRA consultation

Elm Farm Research Centre response to DEFRA consultation on the transposition of EU Council Directive 2003/85 on Foot and Mouth Disease

Posted in News and events, Research
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