The DiverIMPACTS project flyer published
Diversification through Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple cropping, Promoted with Actors and value-Chains Towards Sustainability
Wonderful woodchip!
Workshop report on practical uses of woodchip in organic horticultural systems
OK-Net EcoFeed launched
New project launched for organic pig and poultry farmers to find solutions for 100% use of organic and regional feed
Organic movement unites against new GM techniques
The global organic food and farming movement calls for the regulation of new genetic engineering techniques as GMOs
Tree to Heat: Making the most of on-farm woody resources
Report from Wakelyns Agroforestry workshop
Diversity in crop production
ORC Farmer and Business Supporters’ Group 3rd Annual Gathering
European Symposium on Pollarding 1-3 March 2018, Basque Country
Last minute call for abstracts
Seeds as commons – key for organic plant breeding
Establishing alternatives to seed monopolies
Organic and Low-Input Dairy Farming
Avenues to Enhance Sustainability and Competitiveness in the EU
Trees and livestock
What is the role of trees and woodland on an upland livestock farm today?
ORC Wakelyns Population on sale!
ORC Wakelyns Population Winter Wheat seed is available to order from Walnes Seeds
Call for Organic Innovations: Deadline extended to 1 September
Themes: soil quality, livestock systems and Innovation for sustainable diets
Accelerating the transition to robust potato varieties
Dutch organic sector showing the way
Promoting crop diversification in European agriculture
A major 5-year European project ˗ DiverIMPACTS launched
Innovation and sustainability in organic dairy farming
Pan-European research boosts innovation and sustainability in organic dairy farming
Let’s Cultivate Diversity
Gathering of farmers, millers and researchers in Belgium on diverse cereals
Rise in organic sales from Welsh farms
The Organic Centre Wales 2016 producer survey report