Category: Research

Practical lean energy solution – part-funded by EFRC

Practical lean energy solution – part-funded by EFRC

Posted in News and events, Research
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The Organic Conversion Information Service – have your say

Have your say on future of Organic Conversion….

Posted in News and events, Research
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English Nature Decision Support Tree

Are Organics for you on your Nature Reserve? – A decision tree & related information to help you decide

Posted in News and events, Research
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Annual Report 2004-2005

EFRC Annual Report

Posted in News and events, Research
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Lush growth in UK organic vegetable market

Lush growth in UK organic vegetable market

Posted in News and events, Research
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J Bower photo

J Bower photo

Posted in News and events, Research
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No energy policy can provide a cost-free solution to climate crisis

No energy policy can provide a cost-free solution to climate crisis

Posted in News and events, Research
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Living with Biodiversity and Productivity

Living with Biodiversity and Productivity

Posted in News and events, Research
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Thumbs up for EFRC Lean Economy Initiative...

Thumbs up for EFRC Lean Economy Initiative…

Posted in News and events, Research
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Letter to Tony Blair - making an organic living...

Letter to Tony Blair – making an organic living…

Posted in News and events, Research
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