Category: Research

MEPs vote on GM coexistence

The recent vote in the European Parliament for a maximum GM contamination level in EU organic products of 0.1% should be welcomed as a success…

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...but not organic carrots

Try something new today, says Sainsbury’s – but not organic carrots

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Farm animal superbug worries

MRSA superbug threat to human health from infected farm animals

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How green are grocers?

A new mantra is sweeping the City of London, says Organic Research Centre director Lawrence Woodward – “Green is the new black”. Incredibly, key investors and opinion formers are ready to swallow such ideas that “Tesco is helping to set the pace in the fight against climate change”.

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GM Potato Trials Honesty

Honesty call for info on GM potato trials

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High tech Professor

Professor Bill McKelvey of the Scottish Agricultural College thinks a future hungry world cannot be fed by organic agriculture.

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Collapsing Colonies

Collapsing colonies – Are GM crops killing bees?

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Organic megastore

US organic megastore – Whole Foods – arrives in London

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