Category: Research

The return of set aside

Cash for farmers to leave land uncultivated as wildlife habitat (set-aside) in on its way back into UK farm policy

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Biofuels - bad,bad,bad

MPs say biofuels are no solution

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Shop local - save the planet

Exeter Univ shopping study

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Organic chicken and ITV

A call for real organic poultry – produced with ethics, principles and adherence to proper organic standards

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U turn on killing badgers

King report says badgers should be culled to control spread of TB in cattle

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Employment application form 2007

Employment application form

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Employment Application Form 2007

Employment Application Form 2007

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Why Beyond Organics ?

There can be no doubt that the state of our planet’s environment, the health; the economic and social plight of peoples in all parts of the world is far more parlous than it was 25 years ago. The warning from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Board in their 2005 report puts it succinctly…

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Bluetongue is here

Bluetongue in Suffolk declared outbreak by Defra vets

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High price of not being organic

Pesticide catastrophed in Caribbean

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