Category: Research

Farmland birds race ahead at Goodwood

While farmland bird populations in South East England are generally tumbling (Defra reports a 21 per cent fall from 1994 to 2006) a real bird conservation success has been logged at one leading organic farm.

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BBOP july

BBOP details

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Hot out of oven results

Initial results from test baking of the composite cross populations show that the populations perform consistently between organic and conventional systems, unlike a mixture and a conventionally-bred variety which do well in non-organic but not organic systems

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Food report for Prime Minister

Cabinet Office report says proper food policy could save 70,000 lives a year

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Credit crunch effects

Is the UK organic sector defying food industry and media sceptics who’ve predicted that the organics and fair trade sectors will be the first to be hit by the credit crunch? And whose figures on the size of the UK organic retail market should we believe anyway?

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Shock at low levels of poultry welfare

A new Defra –funded, Bristol University study says one in four battery-reared chickens has difficulty walking.

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Fixing fertility building

The development of a complex legume based mixture for better fertility building is to become a reality in a new project, led by the Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm. The mixture will be designed to optimise the transfer of nitrogen from the fertility building ley to the subsequent crops in the rotation.

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Roll up, roll up - ORC ARABLE EVENTS

Full details of ORC arable events 2008

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Royal Society points TB finger at badgers

A new, independent report, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, has concluded that the majority of bovine tuberculosis spread in high-risk areas is a result of badger-to-cattle interaction.

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Wheat Breeding LINK Project Summary

The aim of this project is firstly to determine the yield, quality, and stability of wheat Composite Cross Populations (CCPs) under high and low input management over a wide range of environmental conditions through phenotypic…
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