Category: Research

Legume workshop highlights benefits of mixtures

IOTA’s event proves popular and inspiring…

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Bio-economy must include agro-ecology and public goods

ORC’s Susanne Padel takes a critical look at the EU’s research plans…

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UK organic statistics meeting

ORC to host July meeting to improve organic market data…

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SOLID on-farm dairy research workshop

On the 3rd May, producers are invited to get involved with ideas and projects…

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European Agroforestry Federation (EURAFF) established

ORC joins as a founding member of EURAFF at Paris meeting in December 2011…

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PRN membership launched

Join ORC’s Participatory Research Network now!

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SAC-SEPA conference on valuing ecosystems

ORC researchers present research outcome to Scottish conference.

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Prince’s Charity to support organic development

ORC to participate as lead research partner in SA programme

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Seed exchange networks

ORC contributes to review of novel approach to biodiversity conservation…

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Miguel Altieri to address ORC conference and London audiences

Prof. Miguel Altieri of Berkeley University, California, will address several UK audiences in a tour of the UK from 17-19th January 2012…

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