Category: Research

Legumes in fertility-building leys

Large birdsfoot trefoil, Meadow Pea and White Sweetclover profiled

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Improving resource efficiency in crop and livestock systems

Report from NUE-CROPS and LI-BREEDS workshops

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Sustainability of a small-scale organic vegetable supply system

Market garden and box scheme compared with supermarket distribution

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EkoSeedForum - report

European conference on organic seed, organic plant breeding and agro-biodiversity

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Wheat and barley Legacy for Breeding Improvement

An integrated approach to improving European wheat and barley production

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Field Lab: Woodchip Compost

Finding alternatives to peat

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Winter grazing cereals project

ORC wins funding from Duchy Originals Future Farming Programme.

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ORC at BioFach 2014

ORC staff present at Europe’s biggest organic trade fair

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Agroforestry: How trees can work on your farm

Report from workshop held at Elm Farm

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Sustainable biogas production

A handbook for organic farmers

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