Category: Research

Earthworms – Architects of fertile soils

Promotion of earthworms for soil fertility – new technical guide

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NATURE highlights farmer-led research

Research designed by and for farmers as crucial to the success of farming

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Survey on young farmers' needs

EC study on the needs of young farmers -deadline 12th May

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Farmers guide to biogas

How to implement a biogas project

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Focus Groups on Organic Farming and Protein Crops report

Inspiration to diminish yield gaps in organic farming

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Agroforestry in Scotland: Farmers' questionnaire

Researching the barriers to Agroforestry in Scotland

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SOLIBAM final congress

Diversity strategies for organic and low input agricultures and their food systems

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OSCAR leaflet published

Optimising Subsidiary Crop Application in Rotations

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Managing hedges for woodfuel

Practical workshop at Elm Farm

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COBRA in Colombia

Henry Creissen reports on the British Council’s Researcher Links Initiative

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