Category: Research

Hedgerow harvesting machinery trials

Different techniques for harvesting hedgerows compared at Elm Farm

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Soil nitrogen increased through greater plant biodiversity

Increased plant biodiversity improves grassland soil quality by boosting its nitrogen levels, even in the absence of nitrogen-fixing plants

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Name our wheat population!

YOUR chance to name the first marketable wheat population in Europe!

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6th SOLID newsletter

Sustainable and organic low input dairying news

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Farm Crap app wins Innovation Award

Mobile manure app scoops prize at Soil Association Conference

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Organic crop yields can be closer to conventional than thought

New study found multi-cropping and crop rotation can substantially reduce yield gap

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Tom Archer feeds silage to pigs

The Archers promotes the benefits of silage

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Derogations on young poultry and protein feed to continue

Derogations for non-organic pullets and 5% non-organic feed extended to 31 December 2017

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Pea and bean crop - nitrogen fixation assessment

Free service offered to UK growers

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