Passing the taste test
Baking guru Andrew Whitley with some rather special bread in his kitchen…
2007 OAS
Organic Advisory Service Information
MEPs vote on GM coexistence
The recent vote in the European Parliament for a maximum GM contamination level in EU organic products of 0.1% should be welcomed as a success…
...but not organic carrots
Try something new today, says Sainsbury’s – but not organic carrots
Farm animal superbug worries
MRSA superbug threat to human health from infected farm animals
How green are grocers?
A new mantra is sweeping the City of London, says Organic Research Centre director Lawrence Woodward – “Green is the new black”. Incredibly, key investors and opinion formers are ready to swallow such ideas that “Tesco is helping to set the pace in the fight against climate change”.
GM Potato Trials Honesty
Honesty call for info on GM potato trials
High tech Professor
Professor Bill McKelvey of the Scottish Agricultural College thinks a future hungry world cannot be fed by organic agriculture.
Collapsing Colonies
Collapsing colonies – Are GM crops killing bees?
Organic megastore
US organic megastore – Whole Foods – arrives in London
Bird flu in Suffolk
Bird flu H5N1 has been confirmed in Suffolk on an intensive turkey farm.
Soil fertility partnership
The Organic Research Centre Elm Farm is one of the key partners in a new Defra-funded project examining soil fertility building
Science of organic food quality
A growing body of scientific evidence from the EU and USA underlines the real additional benefits of organic foods.
New Lab Launched
Laverstoke Park launches new Soil Foodweb lab. Seminar invitation to attend launch in May.
Don’t blame migratory birds for Bird Flu
The cloud of suspicion over wild birds as primary vectors of the H5N1 virus is being lifted…
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Administrative Officer job spec and description
Recruitment: Biogas Programme Manager - application form
Recruitment: Biogas Programme Manager – application form
Recruitment: Biogas Programme Manager - Additional Information
Biogas Programme Manager – Additional Information