Category: Research

Organic farm incomes up in 2015

Organic farm profits increasing with organic dairy farming outperforming conventional

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Welsh Organic Producer Survey 2015

Latest survey published by Organic Centre Wales

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Box scheme consumer survey

Consumer food choices and organic food

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Feeding less food-competing feedstuffs to livestock

Impacts on global food system sustainability

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Two ORC staff recognised

Nic Lampkin and Mark Measures recognised for their contribution to UK Agriculture

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New network of Innovative Farmers

Progressive farming partnership launches new network of Innovative Farmers

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Cultivating Innovation

Call for abstracts on Intellectual Property in agriculture

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Impact of pesticides on invertebrates

New study reports pesticides have a greater impact on invertebrates than climate change

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Sustainable agriculture, forestry and fisheries

The Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) launches 4th Foresight report

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