Sustainability indicators from financial data?
Researchers publish report on possibility
SOLIBAM Sustainability Assessment meeting
Sustainability tools can identify areas for on-farm improvement
Organic policy study published
Swiss organic support effectiveness evaluated…
Growers to breed own seeds
OGA workshop looks at approaches to on-farm breeding of open-pollinated seeds
ICOPP project meeting held
EU researchers review progress at FAI Oxford farm…
What is plant health? New ORC-led publication
Research paper led by ORC’s Thomas Döring and Martin Wolfe reviews the philosophies underlying plant protection…
ORC Agroforestry PhD student wins prize
Alexa Varah best presentation at young researchers’ conference…
Public goods paper published
ORC- developed farm appraisal tool focus of publication…
Plant virus control review paper published
ORC’s Thomas Döring reviews the potential and limitations of epidemiological approaches for virus control…
Research needs and priorities survey
Have your say on organic/agro-ecological research…
Organic policy evaluation published
DG Agri commissioned report reviews EU support…
SOLIBAM congress challenges breeding approaches
ORC’s Sally Howlett and Martin Wolfe attend Rome event…
OSCAR cover crops project starts
EU FP7-funded project to develop improved cropping systems…
Organic Farm Incomes report published
2011 report shows organic farming maintaining similar profitability levels to conventional…
Reading student agro-forestry project
Help sought from farmers interested in agroforestry…
Legume workshop highlights benefits of mixtures
IOTA’s event proves popular and inspiring…
Bio-economy must include agro-ecology and public goods
ORC’s Susanne Padel takes a critical look at the EU’s research plans…
UK organic statistics meeting
ORC to host July meeting to improve organic market data…