FAO releases new Sustainability Pathways website
Organic farming, sustainability assessment and other project and conference initiatives included…
EU Organic Congress debates CAP reform and organic regulations
Susanne Padel presents results of organic farming policy study
EU support for agroforestry grows
EURAF conference gains support from EU Parliament…
ORC submits evidence on CAP Greening to EFRA Select Committee
ORC has been continuing its engagement with CAP Reform issues, submitting evidence to Parliament and updating its website…
Portuguese develop new organic action plan
ORC’s Nic Lampkin attended a conference on a future national policy for organic farming in Lisbon on 18th November, marking the start of Portuguese organic week…
IFOAM EU conference on resource efficiency and food security
ORC’s Susanne Padel attended the IFOAM EU Group’s conference in Brussels on 9th November 2011…
Organic farming and carbon
OCW has published a report of current evidence concerning the effects of organic farming on soil carbon sequestration.
CAP Reform proposals mean big changes for organic from 2014
ORC researchers today present to OCW’s Welsh Organic Conference…
EU Court of Auditors back organic as agri-environment scheme
In a report critical of many Member State agri-environment schemes, the European Court of Auditors has backed organic farming recognising…
IFOAM has published new report on systems approach
The IFOAM EU group has published a new dossier “ORGANIC FOOD AND FARMING: A system approach to meet the sustainability challenge”. ORC’s Susanne Padel and Nic Lampkin” contributed the introduction chapter
Soil-less in Scandinavia undermines EU Organic credibility
Reports of soil-less production in organic glasshouses in Scandinavia and the EU’s seemingly tolerant position have raised a number of questions…
Organic holidays or Lay-bys - some explanation
Following the quite heated discussions just prior to Christmas over the floated notion of “Organic Holidays” or “Organic Lay-bys” some clarification of the Organic Research Centre stance on the issue is perhaps necessary.
Any lessons learned from Surrey FMD?
The Government has accepted all 26 of the main recommendations made by Sir Iain Anderson on the response to the Surrey 2007 outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease
Organic Holidays
Following the quite heated discussions just prior to Christmas over the floated notion of “Organic Holidays” or “Organic Lay-bys” some clarification of the Organic Research Centre stance on the issue is perhaps necessary
Why organic salmon is causing a nasty smell
What’s the difference between organic farmed salmon and the much-demonised variety that’s kept in cages, stuffed with colours and pesticides, doomed to swim in its own faeces and prematurely slaughtered?