No patent on seeds!
EU Commission says plants and animals derived from conventional breeding should be regarded as non-patentable
Food and Farming standards consultation
The Soil Association are updating their standards and want your views
£1.5m Glastir Organic scheme to open
£1.5million scheme to support organic farmers and producers in Wales will open on the 17 October 2016.
Organic Regulation review: we need a new start
Negotiations reach standstill
Countryside Stewardship applications to be honoured
Organic conversion and maintenance application this September safe
Organic agriculture in the twenty-first century
Organic agriculture key to feeding the world sustainably
Brexit letter to David Davis and Theresa May
Brexit Government urged to take control of food, farming and fisheries for public good
The organic regulation review has reached a dead end
Either stop the process or start again says IFOAM EU
Will Brexit fix it or wreck it?
Nic Lampkin’s editorial for the ORC Bulletin
APPG uncovers more dirt on UK soils
The UK places little importance on soil, resulting in a worrying lack of knowledge around this vital British asset
From Uniformity to Diversity
Food systems experts urge global shift towards agroecology
Organic farmers urge Commission to ban patents on seeds
Dutch Ministry of Agriculture hosts symposium on plant breeders’ rights
Global organic market continues to grow
Global organic market worth 47 billion pounds
The role of agroecology in sustainable intensification
New study highlights methods to safeguard UK food security
Risk of less harmonised rules for organic in EU
Latest Council compromise on EU organic regulation
EU research money should be spent on organic farming
ORC co-writes study for European Greens
IFOAM EU response to vote on Organic Regulation
Moving in the right direction with Parliament vote on organic, but obstacles still remain
Organic Action Plan for Scotland
Have your say in the development of the new Organic Action Plan for Scotland
New Organic Farming grants now available
The Countryside Stewardship scheme opened for applications last week with 16 options available for organic farming
Organic food essential component of a sustainable diet
How the organic food system supports sustainable diets and translates these into practice