Organic for All – a new vision for organic in the UK
ORC welcomes the Soil Association’s timely announcement of their new vision for organic in the UK – Organic for All and we offer our full support to ensure the success of the organic sector.
Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill
The Genetic Technology Bill threatens our food, our farms and the natural environment. MPs have a chance to change the bill in the House of Commons ‘report stage’ which is scheduled for Monday 31 October.
Go Organic’s Organic September 2022
Organic September is about celebrating everything organic and the hard work and dedication that goes into growing while working with nature, not against it.
Agroforestry Policy Brief
The organic route to a resilient future
Why organic – contributing productively to future farming and food policy
Roadmap to a greener farming future
GM wheat trial fails
Wheat trial failure confirms folly of GM’s sticking plaster approach
Are organic options being side-lined by Defra?
Is the government ignoring the value of ‘public goods’ in organic farming?
UK pesticide standards could be slashed in new trade deals
Threat to public health and the environment
EU targets 25% organic land in Europe by 2030
EU Biodiversity andFarm to Fork strategies unveiled
Delivering on Net Zero: Scottish Agriculture
Scotland’s agriculture sector can comfortably reduce its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 38% by 2045
Agroecological transitions
Five case studies of farmers’ experiences published
Organic Agriculture and the Sustainable Development Goals
Organic can be a solution to achieving SDGs
Formal objection to GM potato crop trial
Plans for new GM crop trial raise objections from leading environmental and farming organisations
Agroecology and carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050
New french study on reducing greenhouse gases by transitioning to agroecology
What organic farming does for the environment and society
New report from Thünen Institute on value of organic farming
Increasing production and use of organic seed
Liveseed booklet published policy recommendations for national and regional authorities
Transitions to Agroecological Systems: Farmers’ Experience
New report sheds light on how UK farming can meet the sustainability challenge
Big opportunity for UK Organic
Development of new UK agricutural policy will be critical
Our Common Ground
New progress report from the Food, Farming & Countryside Commission
Support Amendment 41 on Agroecology to the Agriculture Bill
Please contact your MP to ensure suport for organic farming included in Bill