Category: News and events

Organic food combines sustainability and quality

New dossier on Sustainability and quality of organic food

Posted in Inform, News and events, Press Releases
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How do you assess your soil?

Please share your experiences in this short questionnaire!

Posted in News, News and events, Research
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Creeping thistle field lab

Event postponed

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National Soil Symposium

The top 6 inches: Practical ways to build great soil

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Fertility building leys and green manures

Field lab at Tolhurst Organic

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How healthy is your farm?

Please help us with this survey

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Obsalim field lab

How much will Obsalim® improve the results of your herd?

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ORC Bulletin 118 is at the printers!

Autumn 2014 issue also now available to download

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Cultivating Innovation

How (and how not) to think about Intellectual Property in agriculture and plant science

Posted in Events, News and events
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