Category: News and events

Risk of less harmonised rules for organic in EU

Latest Council compromise on EU organic regulation

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9th European Organic Congress

Designing our future. Where does the organic movement want to be in 2030?

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The role of agroecology in sustainable intensification

New study highlights methods to safeguard UK food security

Posted in News and events, Policy, Press Releases
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Farm to Loaf Symposium

Hear Nick Fradgley talking about our unique wheat populations

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EU research money should be spent on organic farming

ORC co-writes study for European Greens

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Living and learning on organic farms

E-learning project for farm volunteers takes shape

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Impact of pesticides on invertebrates

New study reports pesticides have a greater impact on invertebrates than climate change

Posted in News, News and events, Research
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Sustainable agriculture, forestry and fisheries

The Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) launches 4th Foresight report

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IFOAM EU response to vote on Organic Regulation

Moving in the right direction with Parliament vote on organic, but obstacles still remain

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