Category: News and events

Soil analysis field lab

Hosted by Taylorgrown in Norfolk

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Cereals 2016:

Looking to a future of sustainable farming with Innovative Farmers

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From Uniformity to Diversity

Food systems experts urge global shift towards agroecology

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Sustainability assessment

Further development of methodologies for sustainability assessment and monitoring in organic/ecological agriculture

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Which tests to use to assess the health of your soil?

An informative overview of the various tools and methods currently available.

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Oxford Real Farming Conference 2016

6-7 January 2016. Save the dates!

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Organic farmers urge Commission to ban patents on seeds

Dutch Ministry of Agriculture hosts symposium on plant breeders’ rights

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Winner of the Soil farmer of the Year announced

Clive Bailye wins, organic grower Iain Tolhurst awarded second prize

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Soil Farmer of the Year competition launched for the second year

Sharing best practice and innovation through championing farmers who are improving their soils

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Transitions to agroecological systems: farmers’ viewpoints

New study on the transition process to agroecological systems on farms

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