Agroforestry: Farming with Trees in Cornwall
Interested in farming with trees or already planning a project? Come to this Forest for Cornwall event at Rosuick Organic Farm and find out how they can support you and get inspirational advice and experience from local farm agroforestry projects.
Agroforestry supports high bird diversity in European farmland
AGROMIX study demonstrates that agroforestry systems represent a valuable habitat for breeding birds in European agricultural landscapes.
A comprehensive guide to electrical weed management
The Biological Husbandry Unit (BHU) in New Zealand have recently published a new comprehensive guide to electrical weed management (EWM), written for farmers, growers and other land managers, as well as scientists and engineers working with EWM
Making things work – on the farm and on the balance sheet
A review of the 12th edition of the Organic Farm Management Handbook by Marianne Landzettel
An introduction to the Agroecology Research Collaboration
Join this webinar to learn about the work of the Agroecology Research Collaboration, find out how they are building stronger links between farmers and researchers, and how you can get involved!
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments for growers (Webinar)
Soil Association webinar for organic, low input and in-conversion farms covering new SFI and CSS funding options tailored to the horticultural sector.
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments (Webinar)
A webinar for organic, low input and in-conversion farms to highlight changes in farming support payments.
Agroforestry Open Weekend 2024
The Agroforestry Open Weekend is back in 2024 – May 17th to 20th
Hot Water Seed Treatment for the Sanitation of Vegetable Seed (Webinar)
This Liveseeding webinar aims to explain the procedure, effects and efficiency of hot water treatments for vegetable seeds
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments (Webinar)
A webinar for organic, low input and in-conversion farms to highlight changes in farming support payments.
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments (Webinar)
A webinar for organic, low input and in-conversion farms to highlight changes in farming support payments.
Future Farming Resilience: an update on farming support payments
An event for organic, low input and in-conversion farms to highlight changes in farming support payments.
Tree hay – using trees as livestock fodder
Join Agroecology: strengthening livelihoods for an informative and practical online discussion on the benefits and practicalities of making and using tree hay
AGROMIX Summit: Agroforestry for the future of European Agriculture
The ‘AGROMIX Summit: Agroforestry for the future of European Agriculture’ aims to facilitate and incentivise the adoption of Mixed Farming and Agroforestry systems under EU legislation.
The EU’s organic area grew by 5% in 2022 – more than 10 percent of farmland was organic
The latest data on organic agriculture in Europe has been published in the yearbook ‘The World of Organic Agriculture.’
Homoeopathy at Wellie Level courses
Homoeopathy at Wellie Level (HAWL) have announced new course dates for 2023, one in-person course and one online course.
Agricultural Transition Plan update: Defra announcement on agroforestry
Defra announces payments for agroforestry. Colin Tosh and Will Simonson unpick the detail.
Oxford Real Farming Conference – Boot camp for agroecologists
ORC’s Head of Research Julia Cooper blogs on the recent Oxford Real Farming Conference.
Could you be the next AHDB Cereals Monitor Farm?
AHDB are in the process of recruiting a number of new Monitor Farmers across England, Wales & Northern Ireland and are keen to have a better organic representation within the network.
Farmers’ and growers’ priorities for agricultural research and innovation
Join the Agroecology Research Collaboration for this online workshop to ensure the priorities of agroecological farmers and growers are taken seriously by the research community.
Facilitating on farm trials. A FarmPEP workshop exploring their potential
Join the Soil Association and ADAS for a webinar to explore the pros and cons of facilitating farm trials; effective strategies to make it happen; and practical case studies to explore useful tools. This workshop will be very practical so if there are specific topics / tools / ideas you’d like to explore please let them know.
Facilitating on farm trials. A FarmPEP workshop exploring their potential
Join the Soil Association and ADAS for a webinar to explore the pros and cons of facilitating farm trials; effective strategies to make it happen; and practical case studies to explore useful tools. This workshop will be very practical so if there are specific topics / tools / ideas you’d like to explore please let them know.
What is polyculture’s contribution to biodiversity?
Grower survey investigates if small-scale diverse horticultural systems (polycultures) can contribute to biodiversity and nature conservation in the wider landscape.
Cow-reared calf husbandry in dairy farming
Lindsay Whistance reviews this FiBL technical guide which describes the natural relationship between the cow and her calf and draws conclusions for the species-appropriate rearing of calves.