Category: News and events

Agrobiodiversity: Success stories in Europe

CERERE book of case studies published

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Agroforestry event in Melton Mowbray

A Win Win for Farm productivity and the Environment

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Agricology Field Day: Diversity in action

Intercropping, companion cropping and cover crops

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Yoga with Neeta

Yoga classes on Monday evenings at Elm Farm

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Proceedings of the European Conference on Crop Diversification

Abstracts, presentations and workshop reports now online

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Health, Harmony and Holism

Evolving biodynamic food, farming, gardening

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100% organic conversion - GHG impacts

The greenhouse gas impacts of converting food production in England and Wales to organic methods

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Lynbreck: The Movie 2019

Dean Organic Fund recipients on how they spent the loan – and more

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Farmer bursary for European Agroforestry Conference

5th EURAF Conference will be in Sardinia May 2020

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Soil nutrient management

A workshop with Mark Measures

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