Category: News and events

New resources from OK-Net Ecofeed

New Practice Abstracts and videos

Posted in News, News and events, Research
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GM wheat trial fails

Wheat trial failure confirms folly of GM’s sticking plaster approach

Posted in News, News and events, Policy
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Living mulches: The holy grail of no till?

Field lab featured on BBC Farming Today

Posted in News, News and events, Research
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Are organic options being side-lined by Defra?

Is the government ignoring the value of ‘public goods’ in organic farming?

Posted in News, News and events, Policy
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UK pesticide standards could be slashed in new trade deals

Threat to public health and the environment

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Mycorrhiza as green alternative for mineral fertilisers

German Operational Group investigates effective application of Mycorrhiza in the field

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Share your views about Organic Farm Knowledge!

Do you know the online platform Organic Farm Knowledge? We would like to hear from you what you think about it!

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Farming for nature pays off for organic Wimpole

Nature and soil health are flourishing at the National Trust’s organic farm

Posted in News, News and events, Research
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Farmer and growers - what soil inputs do you use?

Survey as part of the Woodchip for fertile soils project

Posted in News, News and events, Research
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Seeds and deeds

Collective plant breeding for reduced input farming

Posted in Events, News and events
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