Category: News and events

This Good Earth released

Eco-film-maker calls for prosecution of corporate polluters for crimes against humanity. Corporate chiefs whose companies knowingly poison the planet in pursuit of profit should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity says the award-winning director of…
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It's Seed Week!

Celebrate Seed Week with us Einkorn population We’re delighted that throughout this week, from 18th to 22nd of January, we celebrate The Gaia Foundation’s Seed Sovereignty Programme's fourth Seed Week. Through story, articles, videos and podcasts, Seed Week highlights the…
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GMOs and gene editing in agriculture: the benefits of regulation

How does organic & non-organic food and farming avoid contamination with GMOs? Why is it so relevant for food production that GMOs are regulated? Which disruptions can be expected from gene editing and new genetic engineering in general?  These…
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The eSPECIAL version of the BIOFACH/Vivaness trade fair pairing will carry over key aspects of the familiar in-person event and the accompanying Congress into the digital world. Industry representatives can look forward to three full…
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Breeding and Seed sector innovations for organic food Systems

Online conference of EUCARPIA Organic and low input section jointly with LIVESEED, BRESOV, ECOBREED and FLPP projects. This is the 5th conference of the EUCARPIA Organic and Low Input Section since its establishment in 2007, which…
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Troubleshooting the practical challenges of intercropping

Intercropping offers promising opportunities to improve sustainability, reduce pest and disease burden, and enhance the resilience of agricultural systems to stresses such as climate change and market pressures. There are practical challenges, however, in growing,…
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Our Senior Livestock Researcher Lindsay Whistance wrestles with the arguments for and against Veganuary in this blog On Boxing Day evening, at the slowing down of festive indulgences, I began to speculate about what should…
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DiverIMPACTS Crop diversification, workload and quality of life

A new survey led by ORC hopes that through improving understanding of the impact of crop diversification on workload and quality of life we can provide recommendations for policy makers, training and education providers and…
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ORFC Global highlights

As the dust settles on the huge global phenomenon that was the 12th Oxford Real Farming Conference we highlight on some of the sessions ORC were involved with (directly or indirectly). All sessions were recorded…
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Organisations unite against neonicotinoids decision

On the 8th January a request by British Sugar and the NFU to get an emergency derogation to use neonicotinoids in sugar beet was approved. Given the evidence of unacceptable harm to wildlife (especially bees)…
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