Category: News and events

Agroforestry in organic horticulture

Are you interested in incorporating trees into your farm design? Agroforestry presents lots of opportunities for the organic grower: to grow new fruit and nut crops to sell; to produce wood and wood chip to…
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UK Farmers Assembly on New GM

The UK Government wants to deregulate genetically modified (GM) crops and animals. Genetic modification (originally known as genetic engineering and now rebranded as ‘gene editing’) is being promoted as an essential tool in the farmer’s…
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Showcasing farmer-led research

Are you interested in alternatives to on-farm plastic, drought resilient pastures, or techniques to boost deeper burrowing earthworms? Innovative Farmers has created a series of interactive pages to showcase some of the latest farmer-led research.…
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Intercropping to boost agroecology in European Agriculture

This event is a joint effort of the ReMIX and DIVERSify projects to boost the adoption of intercropping and delivery of its ecosystem services in Europe. The event is a perfect opportunity to discuss how…
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We call on supermarkets to show leadership on GMOs

A joint letter signed by ORC asks retailers to refuse to stock products made from untested and unregulated genetically engineered plants and animals produced using a new technique called ‘gene editing’. Leaders from food, farming,…
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Why organic – contributing productively to future farming and food policy

New English Organic Forum (EOF) report presents a clear, consolidated and compelling case for organic farming. Produced as an organic industry-wide blueprint, Why organic – contributing productively to future farming and food policy sets out…
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New ration planning tool for poultry and swine - Training

Formulating feed using calculation software in organic is a challenge. This new tool improves the feed database to meet the needs of organic farmers! Within the scope of the OK-Net EcoFeed project, the Ration Planning…
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Soil Analysis and Management for Organic Dairy Systems

Online meeting to discuss the results of the EIP-Agri soils project Organic farming is fundamentally based on management of soil life and ecology to optimise forage and crop productivity. This dependence on soil life distinguishes…
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ORC welcomes Colin, Pip and Rowan

We are very pleased to welcome three new members to our team Colin Tosh joins us as Senior Agroforestry Researcher from the Centre for Behaviour and Evolution at Newcastle University where he was a lecturer…
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Growing Beyond Monoculture

Final episode in the DIVERSify web series goes live As part of the EU Horizon 2020 research project DIVERSify, researchers have been working on investigating the viability of species mixture cropping as an alternative…
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