Category: News and events

Silvopasture field lab on Farming Today

BBC Farming Today visited Andy Gray one of the farmers participating in the new Innovative Farmers Silvopasture field lab. " A field lab being run by Innovative Farmers - a not-for-profit group which links up…
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InfoHub on intercropping launched

A new DIVERSify legacy website has been launched. It includes the Farmer Guide ‘InfoHub’ “for practical information on intercropping agronomy, resilience and ecosystem service provision, on-farm experiences and innovations” and a Policy Toolbox that…
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Farm Woodland Forum 2021 annual meeting: Agroforestry in Brexit landscapes

In the light of the UK government's ambitious tree planting targets - what is the role for agroforestry? Draft agenda: Role of agroforestry and hedges in UK climate targetsDefra’s agroforestry vision, response to tree strategy…
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Making hedgerows pay their way: the economics of harvesting field boundary hedges for bioenergy

A new paper on our hedgerow work as part of the SustainFARM project has been accepted for publication in Agroforestry Systems and is now online: Smith J, Westaway S, Mullender S. et al. (2021) Making…
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ORFC in the Field @ Wakelyns

ORFC are teaming up with Wakelyns at their inspiring location in the heart of the Suffolk countryside between 8-9 September for another ORFC in the Field event. Save the date now - they'll be releasing…
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Open FiBL Day 2021

Join the first virtual Open FiBL Day on Thursday, 27 May 2021 and explore the diverse and excellent work the FiBL Group performs on both national and international levels. Discover your opportunities to engage with…
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ORC Bulletin 133 on its way!

And Bulletin 122 available for free download

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The organic route to a resilient future

An article by ORC's Head of Research Will Simonson has been included in the March/April edition of e-law, published by UKELA (United Kingdom Environmental Law Association) as part of an issue focusing on the Agriculture…
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New paper on managing understoreys in agroforestry to promote natural enemies

A new open access paper 'Management to Promote Flowering Understoreys Benefits Natural Enemy Diversity, Aphid Suppression and Income in an Agroforestry System,' co-authored by Jo Smith (now ex ORC) with the University of Reading and…
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NOCC21: OF&G's National Organic Combinable Crops

John and Alice Pawsey and family will be welcoming guests to their mixed organic arable and sheep farm at Shimpling park Farm in Suffolk on 6 July 2021. This annual on-farm conference, organised by OF&G…
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