Category: News and events

Growing the staples

Join the OGA in this webinar exploring field-scale production. How can we grow the basic crops efficiently yet regeneratively? About this event While many new entrants are being drawn into growing vegetables on a small,…
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New paper on farm network field-scale, cultivar evaluation of organic wheat

A new open access paper on our work on organic wheat variety trialling, arising out of the LIVESEED project, has been published in Agronomy for Sustainable Development. Cultivar choice and post-emergence weed management strategies are…
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Historic reform to food system needed to protect the NHS, improve the health of the nation and save our environment

The National Food Strategy has called on the Government to commit to a historic package of reforms in order to build a better food system for a healthier nation. In a landmark report, food entrepreneur…
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Ten minutes with Lubna Arif-Schmidt

Would you like to get to know the ORC staff, learn more about what they are working on at the moment and find out what inspired them to pursue a career in organic research? To…
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The Case for Local Food

Building better local food systems to benefit society and nature This report from Sustain presents a vision for a revival in localised, nature-friendly food systems, supported by investment in infrastructure, skills and co-ordination, alongside policies…
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'State of Seed' survey results and Seed Diversity and Resilience Exchange Opportunity

'The State of Seed' survey results and report.  In Spring 2021 the Landworkers’ Alliance and the Gaia Foundation Seed Sovereignty Programme worked together to survey farmers and growers across the UK to gather the views…
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Soil – the heart and soul of organic growing

Growing in soil is vital for the integrity of organic production. Join the OGA for this evening webinar reaffirming the importance of soil. This session will explore the reasons why soil is so important to…
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New report highlights benefits of organic farming for biodiversity

A new report by IFOAM Organics Europe highlights the contribution of organic farming to protecting Europe’s biodiversity. The report recommends Member States to fully use Eco-schemes and agro-environmental measures in their CAP Strategic Plans to…
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Defra: multi agency response to GM wheat trial 21/R08/01

GM Freeze, the Organic Research Centre and twenty six other organisations came together to ask Defra not to allow Rothamsted Research to plant an open field trial of genetically modified wheat. Read the response hereDownload…
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Exploring the impact of crop diversification on workload and quality of life of farmers

Crop diversification results in a fundamental change in activities: production, management, processing, crop sales and new relationships with the value chain all need to be re-assessed. The Organic Research Centre led an explorative study using…
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