Category: News and events

LIVESEEDING – upscaling organic seed and plant breeding in Europe

ORC is partners in a new Horizon Europe-funded project ‘LIVESEEDING’ – Organic seed and plant breeding to accelerate sustainable and diverse food systems in Europe.

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Pitch Up! “The Dragon’s Den of Farming” is Back

Following the first ever Pitch Up! in November 2021 – which saw a wide range of entries from food, drink and farming to fashion, beauty and leisure businesses – the team at Kingsclere Estates organic, regenerative farm is pleased to announce Pitch Up! 2022.

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ORC at Organic Matters 2022

The Organic Research Centre and Agricology were partners in the Organic Growers Alliance’s recent Organic Matters conference held at the Midlands Arts Centre in Birmingham on October 18th.

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Young people’s views on healthy and sustainable food

Think tank Common Vision UK is asking young people aged 14-18 to take part in the #HealthyFoodHealthyPlanet questionnaire for chance to win a £50 voucher

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UK-based Regen Ag organisations gathering!

An online networking event for those working to encourage regenerative agriculture. Let’s find out what we’re up to & how we can support each other.

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Facilitating Innovations for Resilient Livestock Farming Systems

The new Horizon Europe project Re-Livestock – Facilitating Innovations for Resilient Livestock Farming Systems has started!

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Wales REAL Food & Farming Conference

The 4th Wales REAL Food & Farming conference will be held on 23-25 November at the University of Wales Trinity St David, in Lampeter

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The Agroforestry Carbon Code Project

Online event which highlights a project testing the feasibility for the generation of robust carbon credits from UK agroforestry projects.

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Extinction or Regeneration

Early bird tickets are now available for Compassion in World Farming’s Extinction or Regeneration Conference 11-12 May, 2023 – a major international event to share solutions on how to fix our broken global food system.

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Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill

The Genetic Technology Bill threatens our food, our farms and the natural environment. MPs have a chance to change the bill in the House of Commons ‘report stage’ which is scheduled for Monday 31 October.

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