Category: News and events

Living mulches network day

Join The Organic Research Centre for the Living Mulches Network Day at Mark Lea’s Green Acres Farm in Shropshire on Wednesday 3 May

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OF&G’s National Organic Conference (NOC)

SAVE THE DATE — OF&G National Organic Conference at Green Acres Farm in Shropshire – 4 JULY 2023

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Save the Date – Green Match Fund Campaign 20-27 April 2023

We are delighted to have been chosen again this year as one of the benefitting charities of the Green Match Fund Campaign.

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Join us at The Agroforestry Show with The Woodland Trust and the Soil Association! Interest in agroforestry is on the rise across UK farming and forestry, but it can be hard to know how to get started.

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Supply Chain Perspectives on Breeding for Legume–Cereal Intercrops

The widespread adoption of intercroping will only succeed through the collaboration of all supply chain actors, breeding approaches that take into account the complexity of the supply chains, and implementation of diversification strategies in every process from field to fork.

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Overcoming barriers to crop diversification uptake in Europe: A mini review

Review shows that addressing barriers to crop diversification by farmers requires a simultaneous and coordinated approach.

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Organic arable crop yield survey

Please help us improve the reliability of the Organic Farm Management Handbook data by supplying your arable crop results from last harvest.

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Research Webinar: Diversifying our approach to cereal breeding with plant populations

Watch this ORC webinar for an overview of current research on plant populations, what this approach can offer, what we still need to understand and how we might get policy-makers to support wider use of such genetically diverse cereals.

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Farewell and thanks to Roger Kerr

We say a heartfelt thanks to Roger Kerr, who has stepped down as an ORC trustee, for all his time and hard work over the last four years and continued support of the ORC. We…
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North of England Agroforestry Living Lab

The Organic Research Centre and the EU Horizon Europe-funded REFOREST project are looking for agroforestry farmers and stakeholders to be part of the North of England Living Lab.

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