Category: News and events

Black stem rust of wheat: a re-awakening nightmare?

Back in eighteenth century Europe, a man called Tozzetti noted that black stem rust disease of wheat was worse in fields where barberry…

Posted in News and events, Research
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A Sense of Public Duty

A Sense of Public Duty – Thoughts on Compensation for Bernard Matthews

Posted in EFRC, News and events
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Passing the taste test

Baking guru Andrew Whitley with some rather special bread in his kitchen…

Posted in News and events, Research
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Let's stop bleating about the bushes

As climate change starts to bite, the advantages of agroforestry become increasingly obvious

Posted in EFRC, News and events
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A licence to pollute and profit

Carbon emissions aren’t going down, industries aren’t switching to clean energy technology

Posted in General, News and events
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2007 OAS

Organic Advisory Service Information

Posted in News and events, Research
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