Category: News and events

The return of set aside

Cash for farmers to leave land uncultivated as wildlife habitat (set-aside) in on its way back into UK farm policy

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GM coexistence in trouble in Spain

GM maize edges out organic production in Spain.

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GM rape persists in Swedish trial

Seeds from some genetically modified crops can endure in soil for at least 10 years. That’s the finding of Swedish scientists who examined a field, originally planted with experimental oilseed rape a decade ago, and found transgenic specimens were still growing there.

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A bright future for horses

Horse power on Iain Tolhurst’s holding

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Re-think on EU logo

The European Commission has confirmed that the implementation of the new EU-wide organic “Bio” logo will be postponed until 2010.

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Livestock numbers game

Are the world’s livestock such polluters of our atmosphere?

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Small change for climate

New plan from EU to combat climate change

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Biofuels - bad,bad,bad

MPs say biofuels are no solution

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