Category: News and events

Organic solution to wrold hunger

The charity Send a Cow has urged world leaders meeting in Rome to invest in small-scale organic farming as the best way out of the world’s food crisis for the poorest of the poor.

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Shepherding livestock diversity

This week sees the first meeting of a new National Standing Committee designed to encourage the sustainable use and protection of the UK’s rich diversity of livestock breeds.

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Food crisis silver lining

The gathering world food crisis is bad news for many of the world’s poor and for developing economies, but rather good news for others. Global agribusiness firms, traders and speculators are currently raking in huge profits.

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Roll up, roll up - ORC ARABLE EVENTS

Full details of ORC arable events 2008

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Dutch demand organic

The Netherlands Ambassador to London – Pim Waldeck – has taken the occasion of a brief speech at the Organic and Natural Products Show at London’s Olympia to outline some new organic market policies from the Dutch Government.

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Brave new world of sustainable cereals

The future focus of European cereal production will be on low input (possibly organic) systems which deploy genetically diverse crops through either varietal mixtures or composite cross populations. These crops will contribute to a multifunctional agriculture.

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Rice at US$1000 a tonne

Apocalyptic visions of a world fast running out of food have moved uncomfortably up the news agenda to present-day reality. The Financial Times reports that rice prices have hit the US$1,000-a-tonne level for the first time as panicking importers scrambled at auctions (April 17th 2008) to secure supplies.

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Self congratulations from FSA

2007 consumer survey from FSA

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The return of free conversion advice

A re-vampled free information and advice service for English farmers thinking of converting to organic production has been launched by Defra Sustainable Food and Farming Minister Lord Rooker.

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Hold fire on biofuels

The UK Government should delay introducing road biofuel at the pumps.

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