Category: News and events

A scorched earth policy

As the world hurtles towards an ever warmer future, delegates to the conference busied themselves with debate on the business opportunities that climate change presents. Let’s make some money, they said, before it’s too late.

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Dorset swans mean vaccinate now

The time has come for preventive vaccination of UK outdoor poultry (Jan 2008)

Posted in News and events, Research
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GM Foods: The Answer? Or Just Empty Promises?

A thoughtful paper on GM science and policy

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Any lessons learned from Surrey FMD?

The Government has accepted all 26 of the main recommendations made by Sir Iain Anderson on the response to the Surrey 2007 outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease

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Organic Cereals project latest

A look at on-going organic cereals projects

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News cash for bees

A boost in funding from Defra to help safeguard the nation’s bees and to deliver more research into their health has been announced by the Environment Secretary Hilary Benn

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Organic Holidays

Following the quite heated discussions just prior to Christmas over the floated notion of “Organic Holidays” or “Organic Lay-bys” some clarification of the Organic Research Centre stance on the issue is perhaps necessary

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Movement or market?

An impressive gathering of farmers, producers and advisers (over 180 in total) assembled at the Organic Research Centre Producer Conference 2009 at Harper Adams University in Shropshire – January 6th and 7th – to discuss a range of technical and policy matters

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The end of pesticides in the EU?

MEPs have voted in the European Parliament to tighten the EU rules on pesticide use…

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