Category: News and events

Soil analysis – is it worth it?

The soil beneath our feet is something many of us take for granted yet it is a precious resource that is absolutely crucial for…

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What is squash?

Squash provide an exotic touch to boxes and market displays and when grown with the other crops in the family they can provide a useful contribution to the bottom line…

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Aminopyralid - manure contamination

In June 2008 a number of gardeners and allotment holders noticed some unusual symptoms in their vegetable crops. It quickly became clear that…

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Is it safe to establish crops after incorporating a winter stand

When vetch is grown as a winter green manure it is common practice to break the crop down and mix it into the topsoil. As it decomposes vetch releases toxic compounds…

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An IOTA review of organic research

The series of IOTA Technical Leaflets provides a summary of the key practical farming recommendations arising from organic research…

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Go to work on an egg - with confidence

Good news at last for hard pressed egg producers – organic or otherwise. A University of Surrey team has declared that most people can eat as many eggs as they want without damaging their health. The researchers analysed…

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Opening of new conference and education facilities

This summer at The Organic Research Centre we are very pleased to announce…

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Organic Centre Wales wins bid and is now recruiting

ORW secures funds to provide better Organic Business Links

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Organic farming conversion scheme opening in Wales

The Welsh Assembly Government has announced the opening of an Organic Farming Conversion Scheme. Farmers will be able to apply to join the scheme between 15 September 2009 and 30 September 2009.

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