Category: News and events

ORC to hold 6th Organic Producers’ Conference in Birmingham

The Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, has announced the outline programme for it’s annual conference, to be held from 18-19 January 2012 at Aston University in Birmingham…

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Does nature know best? New ORC research paper published

In an article published in the on-line journal Sustainability on 17th October 2011, researchers at the Organic Research Centre review the advantages and disadvantages of evolutionary plant breeding…

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Feeding non-ruminants organically – new project started at ORC

On 1st October 2011, a new project “Improved contribution of local feed to support 100% organic feed supply to pigs and poultry” started at ORC…

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CertCost UK Stakeholders Workshop

A workshop to disseminate the results of the CertCost Project with particular reference to the UK

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EU Court of Auditors back organic as agri-environment scheme

In a report critical of many Member State agri-environment schemes, the European Court of Auditors has backed organic farming recognising…

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Selling Organic: Building Partnerships

The upcoming conference is less than 4 weeks away. Now is the time to book your place.

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UK Workshop on Certification Issues

ORC to host workshop on results of European certification project

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Call for Papers and Workshop proposals

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It’s not rocket science

Groundsel found in packaged rocket in Germany

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Elm Farm Organic Summer Festival

900 people came down to Hamstead Marshall on Saturday 9th July to the Elm Farm Summer Festival…

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