Category: News and events

New guide to farmer experiences with homoeopathy

Homoeopathy at Wellie Level have published a new guide…

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Reducing tillage on organic farms – new research project started

In September 2011 the Organic Research Centre began work on a new part Defra-funded project…

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New reduced tillage research project starts at ORC

In September 2011, the Organic Research Centre began work on a new project – “Reduced tillage and green manures for sustainable organic cropping systems”…

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Results of Potato Virus Y study published

One of the most serious diseases of potato is caused by Potato Virus Y (PVY)…

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Organic farming and carbon

OCW has published a report of current evidence concerning the effects of organic farming on soil carbon sequestration.

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Organic Research Centre hosts European Organic Seed Workshop

Progress towards harmonisation is positive but slow – 100% organic seed use is some way off in the future. The UK is lagging behind many of its EU neighbours…

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ORC 2010 Annual Report published

ORC’s annual report…

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Welsh Organic Conference - Better Business

Find out more about this year’s conference in Llanelwedd

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Non-inversion tillage

Developing equipment, techniques and systems for organic arable farming in the UK…

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CAP Reform proposals mean big changes for organic from 2014

ORC researchers today present to OCW’s Welsh Organic Conference…

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