Category: News and events

Organic and agroecology as a safeguard for long-term food security

Take part in the TP Organics launch webinar for a new Policy Brief that shows that organic and agroecological farming are the best guarantee for long-term food security,

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The Organic Growers Gathering 2023

OGA/Vegan Organic Network event at Tolhurst Organic: Cultivating skills and knowledge within the organic growing community.

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Homoeopathy at Wellie Level courses

Homoeopathy at Wellie Level (HAWL) have announced new course dates for 2023, one in-person course and one online course.

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Future Farming Resilience: Your guide to farming support payments (Online)

Soil Association webinar for organic, low-input and in-conversion farms to highlight changes in farming support payments in England.

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Farm of the Future Women’s Day

The Farm of the Future Women’s Day will focus on soil health, regenerative farming and well-being.

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Biomass Connect Demo – Biomass Crops and Diversification

Come and join Biomass Connect with Newcastle University, supported by the National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise (NICRE) for an opportunity to learn about biomass crops options, agroforestry, and diversification options at Newcastle.

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ORC at the National Organic Conference

Report from OF&G’s National Organic Conference which took place at Mark Lea’s Green Acres Farm in Shropshire on the 4th July 2023.

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Wakelyns Agroforestry on Countryfile

Wakelyns Agroforestry featured on BBC Countryfile on Sunday July 9th, with presenter Adam Henson interviewing David Wolfe

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Pesticides and the climate crisis: a vicious cycle

A new report published by The Pesticide Action Network (PAN UK) / The Pesticide Collaboration (includes ORC) calls for the UK Government to reduce the contribution of pesticides to greenhouse gas emissions and improve the climate resilience of food and farming systems.

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Webinar: Converting Land to Organic Horticulture

Join the Organic Growers Alliance (OGA) for this informative webinar with Roger Hitchings, Tim Deane, and Phil Sumption as they bring in their experiences and expertise in converting land to organic horticulture. Roger will focus…
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