Category: News and events

Improving resource efficiency in crop and livestock systems

Report from NUE-CROPS and LI-BREEDS workshops

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Tenancy opportunity at Dartington

Opportunity to take on a pioneering farm on Dartington Hall estate

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Sustainability of a small-scale organic vegetable supply system

Market garden and box scheme compared with supermarket distribution

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One-day Seminars on organic food production and supply chains

Series of seminars for farmers, land managers and others

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Annual Report 2013 published

ORC’s Annual Report for November 2012-October 2013

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Defra's stakeholder consultation on new regulation

Susanne Padel and Lawrence Woodward report

Posted in News, News and events, Policy
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Soil Management Seminar

Workshop for growers and gardeners, those working on land, students and apprentices

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EkoSeedForum - report

European conference on organic seed, organic plant breeding and agro-biodiversity

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Wheat and barley Legacy for Breeding Improvement

An integrated approach to improving European wheat and barley production

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Managing Hedges for Woodfuel

Practical workshop at Elm Farm

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