Category: News

Study on the environmental impacts of achieving 25% organic land in the EU by 2030 published

The study shows that achieving the EU 25% organic farming by 2030 target could make a big difference to the environmental impacts of agriculture.

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Conversation beneath the trees

Conversation Beneath The Trees is a podcast bringing together scientists, farmers and innovators from all around Ireland to share their ideas and experiences of farming with trees.

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Regen Action

In the 3rd week of January, Regen Action took place in London. Kathrin Heimbach reports on the discussions.

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Living mulches: get involved!

Would you like to be involved in an on-farm field trial exploring living mulches: direct drilling cash crops into (semi)-permanent established stands of clover?

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Yorkshire Grain Changers unite!

ORC, through the Organic at the Heart project, helped to deliver the Grain Changers event in York on the 23rd October 2022.

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Reducing artificial inputs

At this years Agronomists’ Conference on December 6th ORC’s Henny Lowth gave a presentation on ‘Reducing artificial inputs’ which covered ORC’s work on living mulches in the Innovative Farmers field lab sponsored by AHDB, and the LiveWheat project.

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Silvopasture benefits for livestock

This Farm Wilder webinar looked at the many benefits trees can bring to livestock systems, with ORC’s Lindsay Whistance

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URGENT: Stop the attack on children’s health

Do you want Government to delay laws to protect your children from junk food advertising by almost three years? We don’t.

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Season’s greetings from ORC

The ORC team would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and thank you to everyone that has supported us over the last twelve months, a year that has been very productive for ORC.  

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Trees on Farms: Podcast mini-series

Check out the Trees on Farms podcast mini series from Meet the Farmers – a weekly show that profiles people in the countryside and gives you an insight into food and farming.

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