Category: News

The Organic Market Report 2024

Soil Association Certification’s Organic Market Report shows that UK organic market has grown 2% in 2023 but organic farming stuck at 3% of UK farmland

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New Organic Grower Podcast coming out in March

The Organic Growers Alliance (OGA) have teamed up with James Butterworth of Cotswold Market Garden, to produce a podcast on organic horticulture, called the Organic Grower Podcast.

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Silvopasture in Colombia

At the end of January Will Simonson visited the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Colombia to attend a workshop on silvopasture design.

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Agroforestry supports high bird diversity in European farmland

AGROMIX study demonstrates that agroforestry systems represent a valuable habitat for breeding birds in European agricultural landscapes.

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A comprehensive guide to electrical weed management

The Biological Husbandry Unit (BHU) in New Zealand have recently published a new comprehensive guide to electrical weed management (EWM), written for farmers, growers and other land managers, as well as scientists and engineers working with EWM

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Making things work – on the farm and on the balance sheet

A review of the 12th edition of the Organic Farm Management Handbook by Marianne Landzettel

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The EU’s organic area grew by 5% in 2022 – more than 10 percent of farmland was organic

The latest data on organic agriculture in Europe has been published in the yearbook ‘The World of Organic Agriculture.’

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Agricultural Transition Plan update: Defra announcement on agroforestry

Defra announces payments for agroforestry. Colin Tosh and Will Simonson unpick the detail.

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Oxford Real Farming Conference – Boot camp for agroecologists

ORC’s Head of Research Julia Cooper blogs on the recent Oxford Real Farming Conference.

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Could you be the next AHDB Cereals Monitor Farm?

AHDB are in the process of recruiting a number of new Monitor Farmers across England, Wales & Northern Ireland and are keen to have a better organic representation within the network.

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