The OrganicAdviceNetwork has launched an online exchange and learning space, and announced a programme of cross visits
Agroforestry at Groundswell
ORC joins forces with Woodland Trust, the Soil Association and Alba Trees to offer support in the Agroforestry Tent at Groundswell
UK Pesticides National Action Plan is published
Defra has published the long-awaited ‘UK Pesticides National Action Plan 2025: Working for a more sustainable future’
Revolutionising agroforestry: A new platform for stakeholder engagement
ReForest has launched a new Digital Platform, an innovative space designed to promote agroforestry and drive sustainable land use.
Designing your agroforestry system with the FarmTree Tool. A case study from the UK
Webinar recording from ReForest discussing the application of the FarmTree Tool within the UK Living Lab
Farmers needed to save small abattoirs
The farming industry is being called upon to complete an important online survey regarding their use of abattoirs and the importance of an abattoir for their business
Feed the Soil: Building on the legacy of ORC’s compost knowledge
Isi Mackintosh blogs on ORC’s past work on compost and composting, and how the Feed the Soil project brings it up to date
Organic Market Report 2025
Organic has bounced back from the cost-of-living crisis with growth exceeding non-organic reports the Soil Association in the latest Organic Market Report.
New book: Advances in organic dairy cattle farming
New book on the latest science behind organic dairy farming, co-edited by Lindsay Whistance with Stephen Roderick and Mette Vaarst is available now.
Can trees and their associated organisms still benefit arable crops in the presence of pesticide use?
This article by Colin Tosh and Jo Smith uses a novel method to model the interacting agroecosystem components in English silvoarable agroforestry.
The case for tillage in organic and agroecological systems
This session at the Oxford Real Farming Conference sought to demonstrate that plough-based organic systems can maintain or increase soil organic matter levels, ensure good soil structure and increase biological activity.
Do you have what it takes to host a Strategic Cereal Farm?
The AHDB are calling for an ambitious grower to host a new Strategic Cereal Farm for the next six years to bolster their national network of farms.
Global organic area nears 99 million hectares – organic market back on track
Organic farming continues to grow worldwide with global market worth more than 136 billion euros.
Forty years of organic farming trials
Long-term Swiss study confirms that organic farming promotes soil fertility and biodiversity with good yields overall
The New Organic Entrepreneurs Programme
The Soil Association is piloting a new seven-month, UK-wide programme designed to support new entrants in organic business.
ORC attends the Organic World Congress in Taiwan
Cultivating Organic Solutions for True Sustainability: Lindsay Whistance and Rowan Dumper-Pollard reflect on their experiences in Taiwan
Elevating Truly Regenerative Agriculture – A Statement from the Organic Movement
The organic movement welcomes the focus on regenerative principles and practices where it delivers truly transformative food and farming systems and cautions against use of the term in ways that divert attention, policy, and investments from more transformative solutions.
Webinar: Looking into the 2024 Consumer Insights Report
This webinar, hosted by UK ORGANIC and Organic Research Centre on December 11th 2024, took a deep dive into their Consumer Insights Report 2024.
Organic takes centre stage at Oxford Real Farming Conference
Organic farmers, growers and topics were integral to the Oxford Real Farming Conference. There should be no ‘us and them’ we must work together.
Cultivating Wisdom: Research summaries from ‘Experts in the Field.’
‘Cultivating Wisdom’, a groundbreaking collection of research summaries from the Landworkers’ Alliance’s ‘Experts in Your Field‘ project has recently been released.
Agroforestry systems favour bat conservation but only when old and grazed
New study showed bat activity and foraging success was highest in grazed but not arable agroforestry systems and tree age contributed strongly to habitat value.
LiveSeeding training & summer school
The LiveSeeding project has announced a programme of online training for organic breeding and organic seed production!
Food Issues Census: Shape the future of funding for food & farming
Organisations and communities working and organising around food-related issues in the UK are invited to take part in a Census.
Re-Livestock – Animal Welfare Interview with Lindsay Whistance
Lindsay Whistance shares her insights into the link between animal welfare and resilience in livestock farming in this interview as part of the Re-Livestock project