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Ten minutes with Lisa Arguile
Ten minutes with Colin Tosh
EU sustainable farming road map:
New EU organic road map.
Oats and soya worries:
Some batches of organic oats being sold in the UK have been found to contain one or both of the pesticide ingredients chlormequat and glyphosate
Disappearing Livestock
Agricultural biodiversity is under threat again.
On being organic and “anti-normal”
On being organic and “anti-normal”
Not too late to protect the future
Not too late to protect the future – the organic role
Global rethink on biofuels
Global rethink on biofuels urged by FAO chief
A licence to pollute and profit
Carbon emissions aren’t going down, industries aren’t switching to clean energy technology
“Organocrats” deliver another false dawn
After several false dawns the new EU Regulation
How much organic land in Europe
How much organic land in Europe
No to the agrofuels craze
No to the agrofuels craze, says campaign group GRAIN
The Centenary Birthday Party of Rachel Carson
Bird flu latest - Wild birds and H5N1 in France
Bird flu latest – Wild birds and H5N1 in France
A King-sized cock-up...
A King-sized cock-up… – Front page of issue 83 of EFRC’s Bulletin
Conversion in China boosts global organic area
China boosts global organic acres
Attackers of organic farming need evidence!
Defra 5 year strategy
Defra 5 year strategy
Defra's strategic direction
EFRC presents its views on Defra’s 5 year strategy.