H7 avian influenza in Oxfordshire
The Chief Veterinary Officer, Nigel Gibbens, has confirmed (June 3rd) Avian Influenza in chickens on premises near Banbury in Oxfordshire
Farm-animal MRSA strain arrives in the UK
Farm-animal MRSA strain arrives in the UK
Campaign details for Bluetongue
Defra’s plans for how it intends to deliver Bluetongue BTV-8 vaccine to the nation’s anxious livestock farmers has just been revealed. They appear to rely rather a lot on crossed fingers, prayers and “flexibility”. And it now looks likely that the whole of England may well be declared a Bluetongue “Restricted Zone” by this summer.
Global growth is organic
The world’s retail organic agriculture market is worth nearly US$40 billion a year and is now produced from over 30 million hectares of land. Australia has by far the largest organic production area (12.3 million hectares).
Throwing everything at TB
The Government’s current method of controlling cattle TB – surveillance, testing and slaughter – is not working effectively. That is the conclusion of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) select committee in its report Badgers and cattle TB, published on February 27th.
On Jamie and organic chicken
The “Jamie Oliver” effect, resulting from the screening of the TV show Jamie’s Fowl Dinners, is seeing supermarkets suffering shortages of free range and organic chicken, reports the Daily Mail.
GM coexistence in trouble in Spain
GM maize edges out organic production in Spain.
GM rape persists in Swedish trial
Seeds from some genetically modified crops can endure in soil for at least 10 years. That’s the finding of Swedish scientists who examined a field, originally planted with experimental oilseed rape a decade ago, and found transgenic specimens were still growing there.
A bright future for horses
Horse power on Iain Tolhurst’s holding
Re-think on EU logo
The European Commission has confirmed that the implementation of the new EU-wide organic “Bio” logo will be postponed until 2010.
Livestock numbers game
Are the world’s livestock such polluters of our atmosphere?
Small change for climate
New plan from EU to combat climate change
Conversion grant distortions?
Mark Measures discusses the effects of organic conversion grants – OELS
Rocky road for organic market
UK retail market analysis from TNS
Green shoots of organic plant breeding
New hope for EU effort on organic plant breeding
In sickness and in health
We have had a year of disease after disease.
Focused organic funding
For organic read multifunctional
No Catch cod gets battered
The world’s first organic cod farm, run by Johnson Seafarms just off Shetland, is in crisis. The firm has been put into administration with its directors sacked after they allegedly ran up debts totalling £40 million in the last two years.
Pirbright FMD whitewash
The Anderson Report into last summer’s FMD outbreak in Surrey is a whitewash
H5N1 Whodunnit?
Wild birds blamed for Diss avian flu outbreak
Defra dithers on vaccination
Trade issues derail livestock vaccination
Enhanced quality of organic food
An ORC briefing on the evidence for enhanced nutritional quality of organic foods
December producer conference
Full programme for ORC conference now available