Sally Westaway
Academic qualifications:
- MRes Ecology and Environmental Management. University of York
- BSc Zoology. University of Manchester
Role and responsibilities:
I worked within the ORC’s agroforestry team on a range of projects.
I led an EIP Operational Group looking at using woodchip for soil health as one method of integrating trees and hedges into farms.
I acted as the innovation broker for the UK Agroforestry Innovation Network as part of the AFINET project. Past research I have been involved includes; setting up trials to enhance agronomic, environmental and economic performance of traditional and novel agroforestry systems (SustainFARM); sward development and management in silvopoultry systems as part of the AgFORWARD project; the management of traditional hedges for bioenergy (TWECOM), conservation tillage (TILMAN-ORG), and the use of cover crops in organic rotations (OSCAR).
Research interests:
I am interested in a whole system approach which links landscape ecology with sustainable food production systems and specifically in practical applied agroecological research which both connects and engages the farming community.
- Lehmann, LM, Smith, J, Westaway, S, Ghaley, BB (2020) Productivity and Economic Evaluation of Agroforestry Systems for Sustainable Production of Food and Non-Food Products. Sustainability 2020: 12(13):5429
- Smith J, Westaway S (2020) Wakelyns Agroforestry: Resilience through diversity Organic Research Centre
- Reimer M, Ringselle B, Bergkvist G, Westaway S, Wittwer R, Baresel JP, van der Heijden MGA, Mangerud K, Finckh MR, Brandsæter LO (2019). Interactive Effects of Subsidiary Crops and Weed Pressure in the Transition Period to Non-Inversion Tillage, A Case Study of Six Sites Across Northern and Central Europe. Agronomy. 2019; 9(9):495.
- Smith J,Westaway S (2019) Hedges, windbreaks and riparian buffers. Chapter in: The Agroforestry Handbook: Agroforestry for the UK (2019) Edited by Ben Raskin and Simone Osborn. The Soil Association
- Westaway S, Smith J (2019): Productive Hedges: Guidance on bringing Britain’s hedges back into the farm business
- Westaway S (2019) Use of green waste compost. Practice Abstract #9, Organic Techniques Project. ORC and Agricology.
- Smith J, Westaway S (2018) Managing the tree understorey opportunities for crop diversification. AFINET Factsheet 14.
- Westaway S, Kling C, Smith J (2018) A comparison of the performance of three sward mixtures sown under trees in a silvopoultry system in the UK. Agroforestry Systems, 92 (4), 1009-1018.
- Smith J, Westaway S, Whistance L (2018) Tree fodder in UK livestock systems: opportunities and barriers. 4th European Agroforestry Conference. Nijmegen, Netherlands 28-30 May 2018.
- Westaway S. (2017) Silvopoultry: establishing a sward under the trees. AGFORWARD Innovation Leaflet 40.
- Westaway S, Crossland EM, Chambers EM, Gerrard C, Smith J (2016) Does harvesting hedges for woodfuel conflict with their delivery of other ecosystem services? 3rd European Agroforestry Conference ‘Celebrating 20 years of Agroforestry research in Europe’. Montpellier, France 23-25 May 2016. Book of Abstracts p. 53-56
- Westaway S, Chambers M, Crossland M, Wolton R, Smith J (2016). Managing traditional hedges for biofuel. 12th European International Farming Systems Association Symposium ‘Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways’. Harper Adams, UK
- Wolton R, Westaway S, Chambers M, Crossland M, Smith J (2016) Harvesting fuel from hedges. Conservation Land Management 14 (1) pp. 4-9
- Armengot L, Blanco-Moreno JM, Bàrberi P, Bocc, G, Carlesi S, Aendekerk R, Bernerb A, Celette F, Grosse M, Huiting H, Kranzler A, Luik A, Mäder P, Peigné J, Stoll E, Delfosse P, Sukkel W, Surböck A, Westaway S, Sans FX (2016) Tillage as a driver of change in weed communities: a functional perspective Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 222: 276–285
- Chambers EM, Crossland EM, Westaway S, Smith J (2015) Hedgerow harvesting machinery trials report for TWECOM. The Organic Research Centre.
- Crossland EM, Westaway S, Gerrard C, Smith J (2015) Hedgerow Biodiversity Protocol 2015. User Guide. A protocol for monitoring the impacts of harvesting hedges for woodfuel. The Organic Research Centre.
- Chambers M, Crossland M, Westaway S, Smith J (2015) A guide to harvesting woodfuel from hedges. ORC Technical Guide. http://tinyurl/TWECOM
- Crossland M, Westaway S (2015) Optimising Subsidiary Crop Applications in Rotations: On-farm Testing of Cover Crop Species Mixes. Aspects of Applied Biology 129. Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne, Warwick. pp. 13-18
- Westaway S, Wolton R, Smith J, Wolfe MS (2013) Hedges: an ecological approach to biofuel production. In: Smith B, Goldring A, Holland J, Ianetta P, Norton L, Smith J, Smith M, Watson C. (Eds.) 2013. Re-thinking Agricultural Systems in the UK. Aspects of Applied Biology 121. Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne, Warwick. pp. 11-16