Janet Dwyer
Job title:
Role and responsibilities:
Members of the Council of Management act as both Company Directors and Charity Trustees and meet quarterly to set strategy, review progress and ensure compliance with company, charity and other legislation.
Interests outside of ORC:
Janet Dwyer is currently Professor of Rural Policy, Countryside and Community Research Institute, at the University of Gloucestershire.
Janet is President of the UK Agricultural Economics Society, also a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a founder and steering group member of the Uplands Alliance, and Director of Rural England. She chairs Defra’s Nutrient Management Expert Group and sits on advisory boards and panels for the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission, Green Alliance, and Defra (rural academic panel). In 2017, Janet was elected an Associate of the Royal Agricultural Societies of the UK, and member of the French Academie d’Agriculture.
- Dwyer, J., Short, C., Berriet-solliec, M., Déprés, C., Lataste, FG., Hart, K., Prazan, J. (2020), Fostering resilient agro-food futures through a social-ecological systems framework: Public–private partnerships for delivering ecosystem services in Europe. Ecosystem Services, Vol.45, 101180. ISSN 2212-0416, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2020.101180.
- Vigani, M. and Dwyer, J. (2019) Profitability and Efficiency of High Nature Value Marginal Farming in England. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 71 (2), pp.439-464. July 2019. doi:10.1111/1477-9552.12351
- Ingram, J., Dwyer, J., Gaskell, P., Mills, J. and de Wolf, P. (2018). Reconceptualising translation in agricultural innovation: A co-translation approach to bring research knowledge and practice closer together. Land Use Policy, 70, pp.b38-51.
- Dwyer, J. and Powell, J. (2016) Rural Development Programmes and Transaction Effects: Reflections on Maltese and English Experience. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 67 (3) pp 545-565.
- Dwyer, J. (2016) New Approaches to Revitalise Rural Economies and Communities – Reflections of a Policy Analyst. European Countryside 8 (2), pp 175-182.
- Dwyer, J. and Hodge, I. D. (2016) Governance structures for social-ecological systems: Assessing institutional options against a social residual claimant. Environmental Science and Policy, Vol 66, Dec 2016, pp 1–10.
- Mills, J., P. Gaskell, J. Ingram, J. Dwyer, M. Reed, and C. Short. (2016). Engaging farmers in environmental management through a better understanding of behaviour. Agriculture and Human Values:1-17.
- Lataste, F.G., Trouvé, A., Berriet-Solliec, M. et Dwyer, J. (2015) La notion de « biens publics » au secours de la Politique Agricole Commune? Developement Durable et Territoires vol.6, n°1, mars 2015
- Dwyer, J. (2014) CAP Reform Proposals for Small and Semi-subsistence Farms. EuroChoices, 13 (1). pp 31-35.
- Rutz, C., Dwyer, J. and Schramek, J. (2014) More New Wine in the Same Old Bottles? The Evolving Nature of the CAP Reform Debate in Europe, and Prospects for the Future. Sociologica Ruralis 54 (3), pp 266–284.
- Mills, J., Taylor, J., Dwyer, J., Bartlett, J. (2014) The well-being benefits of sensory-rich farm visits. International Journal of Agricultural Management Vol 4 (1), pp. 3-10.
- Dwyer, J. (2013) Policy integration for sustainable agricultural landscapes: taking stock of UK policy and practice. Landscape Research. DOI:10.1080/01426397.2013.784245
- Dwyer, J. (2013) Innovation for sustainable agriculture: what role for the second pillar of CAP? Bio-based and Applied Economics 2(1): 29-47.