Team profile

Henny Lowth

Job title:

Senior Crops Researcher
No longer works at ORC

Academic qualifications:

  • BSc (Ecology Hons) Biological Sciences: University of Edinburgh

Role and responsibilities:

My main role is to assist the crops team in the collection and analysis of field data for the current LiveWheat project.

Research interests:

I am interested in collaborative research, where knowledge exchange between farmers & researchers plays a key role in ensuring sustainable cropping practices are accessible for all.

Improving the ability for farmers to make informed decisions on crop varieties based on predicted climate models.

I enjoy opportunities with hands-on research and plenty of time spent out in the field.

Interests outside of ORC:

Outside of ORC, I spend a lot of my time in the garden growing veg or tending to my many houseplants.


+44 1488 646233
(Ext : 6233)