Your Farming Future
Are you in receipt of Direct Payments? Would you like some help and support with the agricultural transition?
The Your Farming Future programme is helping farmers and land managers prepare for the agricultural transition and build farm businesses that will work for you and future generations. The programme supports the integration of resilience into all aspects of farming systems, looking at agroecological land-management, shortening supply chains, and resilient financial practices.
This programme is being run by the Landworkers’ Alliance in collaboration with the Pasture Fed Livestock Association and Organic Research Centre. The following support is available for FREE to farmers:
FARMER TO FARMER WEBINARS – weekly webinars to help you learn more about how you transition your farm to a more sustainable future. From building fertility to pest management, soil health to direct sales, these 20 webinars will enable farmers to identify what changes and adaptations they can make to build resilience into their farm businesses. The webinars also provide a crucial space for farmers to meet, and be supported in building peer-to-peer networks.
Sign up now to access the upcoming webinars and watch recordings of past webinars:
1 ON 1 ADVICE & PEER SUPPORT – Advisors will help farmers look at their whole farming systems to evaluate their business and farming model from inputs to the end supply chain, identifying ways to help the farm business become more environmentally sustainable in preparation for ELMS and more economically sustainable as BPS income ends. Tailored support will be aimed at exploring key management changes associated with
conversion to agroecological farming systems, focusing on soil health, recycling nutrients, the dynamic management of biodiversity and energy conservation at all scales, and reducing external inputs. Production systems can include:
- Organic Farming (certified)
- Regenerative/ low input systems
- Pasture fed livestock systems
- Agroforestry/ Silvopasture
- Biodynamic Farming
Learn more about the support available and sign up to the programme here.
TRANSITION TOOL KIT – information, resources and sector specific films sharing case
studies of different environmental land management practices and farming models
To be eligible you must have an SBI number and be in ENGLAND in the following sectors:
- Medium to large scale horticulture (above 5 hectares)
- SME dairy production
- SME red meat production
- Mixed farming systems
For more information and to sign up, go to: