Acronym : ELMS T&T
Contract Period : 01/10/2019 - 30/09/2021
Main Funder : Defra
ORC Staff Contact : Lisa Arguile
The project aims to assess the public goods that are being delivered through agricultural practices, across two landscape areas using the Public Goods (PG) tool.
Defra envisages Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes to be the cornerstone of their new agricultural policy, influencing how they support the agricultural sector by rewarding farmers for the public goods they deliver.
Researchers and advisors from ORC are collaborating with the Soil Association (lead), Rothamsted and Organic Farmers and Growers within the test and trials element of ELM’s, by mapping public good delivery across two different landscape areas our aim is to test:
ORC is contributing towards facilitating the delivery of the test, whilst offering essential skills for its delivery that includes further development of the PG tool to meet project requirements.
So far, the two landscape areas have been selected and include (1) The Exe Valley in Devon, and (2) The Clun in Shropshire. Local advisors have been in contact with farmers, from each landscape area, to invite them to attend one of six introductory meetings aimed at informing and identify those interested in participating about the Test & Trial.
Lead: Soil Association
Partner Organisations:
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs